Help to backup Apple email with you in full control

You may have heard or read many times that to be human is to err. This is true. And to err is not to fail. But an opportunity to learn and do better. But in certain scenarios, such errors can be impossible to rectify and damage may be lasting. If one fails to backup Apple email account and somehow a human error or some other issue causes the mails or a mail to be deleted, it may be impossible to get it back. For these situations one needs a solution that is free from errors and thus it means one needs a software. It is quite clear that manual backup won’t do. That’s because human error can happen there too. This also means that less than a perfect tool won’t do. And in perfect situation, one would want a tool that would ensure that a user does not have to seek assistance from someone else. This perfection does exist. Before that, do you have any doubts or questions about Apple emails? If you do, this Wikipedia link may help-